Free copy of Make Your Money Count

Directions to Houston Offices Stop by our Houston offices at 5000 Gulf Freeway, Bldg 4, Rm 230 Houston, Texas 77023 and grab your free copy of Make Your Money Count! UH Technology Bridge | Innovation Center BayRock is located inside the Innovation Center on the 2nd floor of Building 4 highlighted on the map. From […]
Directions to BayRock

Directions to BayRock Houston Offices ##### Stop by our Houston offices at 5000 Gulf Freeway, Bldg 4, Rm 230 Houston, Texas 77023 UH Technology Bridge | Innovation Center BayRock is located inside the Innovation Center on the 2nd floor of Building 4 highlighted on the map. From I-45 North — if you are headed South […]
Gas Prices and Your Budget

Gas Prices and Your Budget is the topic of this week’s podcast at Missional Money. Whether you’re driving, walking, or flying to your destination, I want to help you Make Your Money Count. Subscribe. Enroll. Update Your Plan today.
Roth IRA Deadline 2022

When saving for retirement, clients will often ask which account they should be making contributions to – a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA? The answer depends on several different factors that should be considered and discussed.
When You Know You Are Dying

Just Found Out I’m Dying… Now What? When Sam and Sandy got the bad news from Sam’s doctor… He has cancer, and, even with the newest and most aggressive treatments, the survival rate is less than 5%. Sam knows it’s very likely that he will not survive for long. His thoughts have turned to Sandy […]
Make Your Money Count

Make Your Money Count stands out from other guides on retirement planning because it focuses on What Matters Most: starting with your vision values and purpose.