How to Invest with Your New Advisor

How to Invest with Your New Advisor

How to Invest with Your New Advisor – The BayRock Onboarding Process

The BayRock onboarding process for new clients ready to invest.

BayRock’s new client onboarding process emphasizes transparency, lower fees, and a systematic investment approach tailored to each client’s risk tolerance and financial goals. This approach contrasts with many investors’ prior experiences with Wall Street advisors, where high fees and aggressive investment strategies led to significant losses.

In case you missed our last video, Meet George the Investor

BayRock’s commitment to personalized financial planning and portfolio management is designed to align investments with clients’ life goals, helping to ensure clarity, confidence, and contentment in their financial decisions.

The process emphasizes personalized risk assessment, expert consultation, and transparent documentation for a successful investment experience.

BayRock Simple

Investing with a new financial advisor can be a daunting task, but BayRock Financial simplifies this with our unique onboarding process.

Our process begins with a quick, 5-minute Risk Survey, allowing investors to understand their risk tolerance.

Each client then receives a customized ‘Risk Number’, which BayRock uses to create a tailored Investment Proposal.

Your Investment Proposal is prepared by a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional, ensuring clarity and alignment with your financial goals and Risk Tolerance.

Upon agreement, clients receive a New Client Onboarding Email containing essential documents:

This process is designed to offer transparency, personalization, and a clear path to achieving your investment objectives with BayRock Financial.

Investing with BayRock Financial means embarking on a journey tailored to your financial needs and goals. Our unique onboarding process, combining personalized risk assessment, expert consultation, and transparent documentation, sets the foundation for a successful investment experience.

Understanding Your Risk with Our 5-Minute Risk Survey

What is the Risk Survey?

  • Brief Description: A quick and effective way to assess your risk tolerance.

  • Get Your Risk Number – Click Here Now

  • Importance: Tailors your portfolio to your financial goals and your Risk Number.

How It Helps

  • Personalized Risk Number: Your unique investor profile.

  • Tailoring Your Portfolio: Aligning investments with your risk tolerance for more clarity.

Crafting Your Investment Proposal

Utilizing Your Risk Number

  • Customization: Building a proposal that reflects your financial needs.

  • Expert Review: Collaborate with a CFP® Professional for insights.

The Role of a CFP® Professional

  • Expert Guidance: An In-depth Gap Analysis and expert Financial Planning advice from a CFP® Professional.

  • Aligning with Goals: Ensuring your financial targets are at the forefront.

The New Client Onboarding Email

What’s Included in the Onboarding Email?

  • Client Intake Form: Organizing your financial information effectively.

  • Legal Documents: Understanding the BayRock ADV, Privacy Policy, and more.

Understanding Your Investment Policy Statement

BayRock’s Advisory Agreement and Fee Structure

Transparent Fee Structure with Low Pricing

  • Understanding the Fees: Clarity on the investment advisory fees.

  • Value for Services: Ensuring fair and transparent pricing.

The Benefits of Working with BayRock

  • Personalized Financial Planning: Aligning your investments with your life goals.

  • Client-Centric Approach: Focused on What Matters Most – to You

BayRock’s new client onboarding process emphasizes transparency, lower fees, and a systematic investment approach tailored to each client’s risk tolerance and financial goals. This approach contrasts with many investors’ prior experiences with Wall Street advisors, where high fees and aggressive investment strategies led to significant losses.

How to Invest with Your New Advisor

Investment Policy Statement General Information

An Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is a critical tool in the financial planning and investment management process, both for investors and financial advisors like yourself. Understanding its structure, benefits, and implementation can enhance your service as a financial advisor and educator.

Investment Policy Statement

Here’s a detailed breakdown:

What is an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)?

  1. Definition: An IPS is a written document that clearly sets out a client’s investment goals and strategies. It includes guidelines on risk tolerance, asset allocation, investment objectives, and criteria for selecting investments.

  2. Components: Typically, an IPS includes:

    • Client’s financial goals and objectives.

    • Time horizon for investments.

    • Risk tolerance levels.

    • Asset allocation strategy.

    • Guidelines for selecting investments.

    • Monitoring and reviewing criteria.

    • Responsibilities of the financial advisor and the client.

How Does an IPS Work?

  1. Establishing Guidelines: It acts as a strategic guide, helping clients and advisors make consistent investment decisions based on an agreed-upon framework.

  2. Risk Management: By defining risk tolerance and investment criteria, it helps in avoiding emotionally driven decisions in volatile markets.

  3. Asset Allocation: Outlines how a portfolio will be divided among various asset classes, aligning investments with the client’s goals and risk profile.

Benefits for Investors

  1. Clear Objectives: Helps in articulating specific financial goals, providing a clear roadmap for achieving them.

  2. Risk Control: Sets boundaries for acceptable risk, preventing overexposure to unwanted risks.

  3. Decision-Making Framework: Offers a pre-set guide for making investment decisions, reducing the impact of market noise and emotional reactions.

  4. Performance Measurement: Facilitates evaluating the performance of investments against predefined benchmarks.

Benefits for Financial Advisors

  1. Client Alignment: Ensures that the advisor’s actions are in line with the client’s expectations and objectives.

  2. Legal and Ethical Framework: Provides a documented process that can serve as evidence of adherence to fiduciary duties.

  3. Enhanced Communication: Clarifies investment strategies and decisions, fostering better communication and trust with clients.

  4. Efficiency in Management: Streamlines the investment process, making portfolio management more efficient.

Why Create an IPS for Each Client?

  1. Individualized Strategy: Each client has unique goals, risk tolerances, and circumstances, requiring a tailored approach.

  2. Regulatory Compliance: Demonstrates compliance with fiduciary responsibilities and industry standards.

  3. Building Trust: Shows commitment to acting in the client’s best interests, enhancing the client-advisor relationship.

  4. Educational Tool: As an educator, you can use the IPS to teach clients about investing principles, enhancing their financial literacy.

Investment Proposal vs Investment Policy Statement

The main differences between an Investment Proposal and an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) are their purpose and timing in the investment process.

Investment Proposal

Investment Proposal:

  • Purpose: To propose a specific investment strategy tailored to the investor’s goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation.

  • Content: Includes recommended asset allocation, potential investments, and projected outcomes.

  • Timing: Typically presented at the beginning of the advisor-client relationship or when significant changes in the client’s situation occur.

Investment Policy Statement (IPS):

  • Purpose: To provide a long-term framework for the investor’s overall investment strategy.

  • Content: Outlines investment goals, risk tolerance, asset allocation guidelines, and monitoring procedures.

  • Timing: Created after the initial investment strategy is agreed upon; serves as a guiding document for ongoing investment decisions.

Usage for Investor’s Benefit:

  • Investment Proposal: Used when establishing or adjusting an investment strategy, allowing the investor to make informed decisions about proposed investments.

  • IPS: Used as a continuous reference point to ensure that investment decisions remain aligned with the investor’s long-term objectives and risk tolerance.

Each document plays a critical role in effective investment management, with the proposal focusing on initial strategy formation and the IPS providing ongoing guidance and stability.

Download the Reports

Investment Proposal Report Download – Click Here

Investment Policy Statement Report Download – Click Here



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Investment Advice and Financial Planning are offered through BayRock Financial, L.L.C., a Registered Investment Advisor. BayRock does not provide tax or legal advice. The information presented here is not specific to any individual’s personal financial circumstances. To the extent that this material concerns tax matters or legal issues, it is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, by any investor or taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each investor should seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes only. This content is based on publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable. BayRock Financial, L.L.C. cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials and this information can change at any time and without notice. Use this material only as general guide to further discussion with your Certified Financial Planner™ professional and/or other Financial Advisor(s).